For such a special year as this 2020 that is already ending, from FlamencoMind we have prepared a special pack for you.
We have done it with the same enthusiasm with which we are thinking and recording all our contents. If you are already a registered FlamencoMinder you will know what we are talking about. If not, sign up today.
Let's go there with this Christmas present 2020
We recommend that you practice the videos in the order in which we present them to you: Atención Plena (to centre your mind), Acondicionamiento Físico (to prepare your body), Baile Flamenco (with a carolingchristmas carol sound), and Vuelta a la Calma (to return the body’s rhythm to a state of rest).
Once you have made this pleasant effort, the prize is yours. Come and try your hand at cooking by preparing -and enjoying- the Christmas recipe we propose at the end!
Nivel Iniciación
Nivel Medio Avanzado
Tronquitos de Navidad
Hojaldre relleno
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